Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

What's Happening in 2016?

downloadAt the start of the New Year, I always plan an aggressive writing schedule for myself. Then I realize that there are only so many hours in a day, not to mention those unexpected times that life throws at you. So, I’m going to share with you my list of what I would like to accomplish in 2016 and I’d like you to share with me your list of what you would want to see from me in 2016!


The Pict King series

The King’s Executioner, Book 1 – Spring 2016

The King’s Warrior, Book 2  – Summer 2016

The King & His Queen, Book 3 – late 2016

2 Cree & Dawn Short Stories – release dates in 2016 to be determined.

What else would I like to make available in 2016?

A short story about the Dark Dragon and Heather.

The third book in the Ranchero Trilogy.

First book in a new series in a different genre…romantic mystery.

I will keep you updated on all the books and we’ll see how much I can accomplish! Your turn now. Tell me what you want to see from me in 2016!


tigger on lamp


I brought Tigger back from a family vacation at Disney World, hoping he’ll share some of his endless energy with me.  🙂

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9 years ago

Love the Dawn & Cree stories. But I would love to read Sloan’s story.
Maybe a check in on how Wintra is doing with the baby and Torr.
Just love your stories!
So excited.

Kimi Court
Kimi Court
9 years ago

I agree Beth Sloan’s story. He needs his voice out their. Are you going to make anymore Vampire Books?

Ann Leeson
Ann Leeson
9 years ago

Dawn and Cree have always been my favourites and I agree Sloane should get a say, in fact anything to do with them would be great

9 years ago

Donna I agree, I would love for Sloan to find his true love. Also I am glad that we can expect more of Tor and Wintra. I would love to hear more of Eric and Faith from the Irish Devil.

Donna I can say it enough you are one of my favorite writers. I love your books, keep up the good work. Season’s Greeting to you.

9 years ago

Hi Donna,

I love your stories because they transport the reader into the time that you’re writing about. In today’s reality, your writing provides such a wonderful escape. You mentioned that you were contemplating Vikings as a theme last year. I think it would be interesting if you included a spin-off somewhere in the Pict series that leaves us intrigued about the Vikings, like you did with the character Talon.

Lisa J
Lisa J
9 years ago

I would definitely love more Sexual Appetites stories. I really enjoyed it. Whispers in the Wind is a favorite, any more like that one would be welcome.

9 years ago

The third book in the Ranchero trilogy would be great, it seems like I’ve waited forever for this book to come out. Thanks

Sarah Vega-Rogers
Sarah Vega-Rogers
9 years ago

PLEASE finish the Rancheros Trilogy! I have and love, love, love all of your books, especially this trilogy. I read the first two again and again to hold me over, but it only makes me more eager to hear about hijo del Diablo and Crista! Thank you for all your stories!

Sarah Vega-Rogers
Sarah Vega-Rogers
9 years ago

BTW not only are these books up there, but my absolute favorites have been The Dark Warrior and The Buccaneer.

9 years ago

Hi Donna,
i had always read your books again and again and I am really excited to know Crista and Diablo’s love story. This Triology is one of my favorites,but I do love all your books but I just felt something for this two. i really hope 2016 is the year. i had waited for so long. You are the best.

Pat Giacabetti
Pat Giacabetti
9 years ago

Could we revisit faith and Ian and the rest of the folks in the Irish devil

9 years ago

Hi Donna. I think it would be great if we could get am update on all the McKinney sisters maybe a book on all three of them. Also more dawn and Cree I just love those two, cannot wait to read Sloan especially with the teaser that his son will marry Cree only daughter. Also torr and winters.

Judy Steuck
Judy Steuck
9 years ago

I like everything on your list and am very excited to see that list! The only thing I would add to it is something on Sloan as well. Thanks!

9 years ago

I would like to see another book with the Irish devil and friends.

Laura Belter
Laura Belter
9 years ago

Every time a new Dawn and Cree come out, I have to retread the entire series. I with everyone else on Sloan. Thank you for sharing your amazing stories! I can’t get enough.

9 years ago

Hi dawn
I love your books but I have been waiting for your 3 book from the rancheroe series I loved the first 2 .and I am really looking forward to the new series xx

j u dy
j u dy
9 years ago

I’m with Everyone Else More SLOAN PLEASE.

9 years ago

I agree with everybody else that Sloane needs his own story. But I been dying to read a story about Rath the secondary character in your book called “Irish Hope”. Speaking of Irish Hope I would love to see how those two main characters are doing along with the Irish Devil.

9 years ago

I love the dawn and Cree stories and look forward to more about wintra and torr, Sloan is a definite must. Very excited for another Rancheros story line, love the first 2. So many great sequels look forward to all alerts. Irish devil and Isle of lies were awesome and would love more.

9 years ago

Hi Donna
I just love Cree and Dawn but I am looking forward to Sloan’s story ever since Old Mary informed him that his future wife was already there in Dowel, I’m excited to see who she will be. Thank you so much for your great books.

8 years ago

I have been waiting for the third book in the Ranchero trilogy to be finished and published. I was hoping you would complete it before you started a new series.

cristina frausto
cristina frausto
8 years ago

I Love ALL your books!! I hope you keep writing forever! I am so looking forward to the pict series and part 3 of the rancheros and those executioners! I wish you great success in everything you do…..
thank you again for your books. I am a stay at home mom, 40yrs. old, and your books make my day better!
thank you,

8 years ago

Hi Donna,

I was wondering… the short story you’re writing/going to write about Heather and the Dragon, will it include Emma and Rogan’s baby? And can I ask… what names does Heather’s family use for her husband? The Maccannis Sister’s trilogy was amazing and I’m so glad I happened across it. Who do you associate yourself with more out of the Maccannis family?

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