My website continues to be a work in progress. Little by little you’ll see it come together thanks to my son Marc’s computer skills and in spite of his hectic schedule, that includes being author of the Adam Zero Last Man of Earth comic books (a proud mother cannot miss bragging). I’ll keep you apprized of the changes, some not immediately noticeable, and others that can’t be missed.
Presently the two unnoticeable changes have to do with the navigation bar. Press the Magic Quadrilogy bar and you’ll see my Wyrrd witch books in the order they were published with a brief description of each. The Sinclare Bros. Series bar does the same, though the cover isn’t yet available for The Angel and The Highlander. Actually, I just received the galleys for the book yesterday and I’m looking forward to giving it that last read before it goes to final print.
Any suggestions for my website are always welcome and rest assured there’s more changes on the way.