Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

Update... Highlander of My Heart!

DonnaFletcher HighlanderofMyHeart eCover 200 1Highlander of My Heart, book one of the Macardle Sisters Trilogy will release late March.

Chapter One will be going out to my newsletter subscribers soon.

Watch my blog for a brief sneak peak or two before it releases.

Sorry there are no pre-orders on this book.

As much as I’d love to provide a pre-order, my life is far too unpredictable to guarantee a release date. And I would hate to disappoint my readers.

Watch for more info on Highlander of My Heart coming soon!

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6 years ago

I can’t wait, soooo excited!!!! I was just wondering, do you think, there’s going to be another book, for the Pict series : )

Sharon R.
Sharon R.
6 years ago

Just read the sneak peek…I loved it. Can’t wait for the book release.

6 years ago

Oh just read the excerpt and now I can’t wait for the book release. This one will definitely join my collection.

6 years ago

I always enjoy your books! Can’t wait to see who Sorrell ran into! Wanted to read more!!! Great 1st chapter!

6 years ago

Just finished the sneak peek, can’t wait to read the first book. I love when you write series. Great writing.

Marcia Allman
Marcia Allman
6 years ago

Awww! Too soon! Not enough! Just enough to have me wishing away the rest of the month. Roll,on the end of March.
Thanks Donna, it’s a great story so far. Thank you!
Marcia Allman

Nancy Nesselroad
Nancy Nesselroad
5 years ago

Hi Donna, I just loved the sneak peek of Highlander of My Heart. Can’t wait for the whole book to come out. I’m so excited about this! I hope the end of March comes really soon. LOL. They say tomorrow is the first day of Spring. When I look out my window and just see nothing but snow it’s so depressing. Your books take me away each night. I’ve been caring for my mom now, who is 90, and was going down my steps, and she missed the last one. It was so sad because she broke her hip. It was just the ball and the surgeon was getting ready to go back to his home in Los Angeles. I’m very glad to have my mom so that I can take care of her. She took care of me when I was having my surgeries. I’m so glad to be able to help her now. Besides she is living with me now too.
I love your books so much, It takes me away from some family problems. Hope you have a great day. So looking forward to this series. You are a fabulous writer.


5 years ago

I’m so excited for this first book! The sneak peek was perfection!!!

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