First, big hugs to all of you who have let me know how much you enjoyed Embraced By A Highlander. Your generous support has kept the book in the top ten Medieval and Scottish romances on Amazon since its release. Thank you so much!!!!!!!
Since so many of you don’t want to wait for Warrick’s story, I’ll be working on his book, Highlander The Demon Lord, as soon as I wrap up Diablo’s Angel. Warrick’s book has a tentative release date of spring. Diablo’s Angel had a January release date but it’s been pushed until February. Look for the cover reveal of Highlander The Demon Lord in January!
My Highlander, a Cree & Dawn full length novel is set for the fall. I realized his opponent in the book would make a great hero and would also make a perfect launch for a new trilogy.
In between all this, I’m having my website updated. Hope to launch the new one sometime in January.
Lots more planned for 2018, so stay tuned!
Cree enjoying his first snow!