Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

Reading Is Fundamental

Today I want to talk about an issue I feel strongly about. Reading Is Fundamental has been a program I’ve long admired and supported. It is a nonprofit literacy program that gets books into the hands of underprivileged children. Its funding is now in jeopardy. The RIF program is approved through 2009, but if President Bush’s proposed 2009 budget is approved it will eliminate funding for RIF, leaving 4.6 million children no longer eligible to receive free books. RIF CEO/President Carol Rasco said “With 13 million children living in poverty in this country, the need for RIF has never been greater.”
When I worked at a Borders Bookstore as a Community Relations Coordinator, I had the opportunity to provide struggling school libraries with books. It was a small effort on my part but a necessary one. I strongly believe that books should be available to all children. Books introduce children to amazing worlds and possibilities and allows them to dream, imagine and hope.
Books make a difference in a child’s life. If you want to help make a difference, please go to and follow the prompts to e-mail your local politicians and urge them to keep the government funding for RIF. You’ll be glad you did! And thanks for your support!

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16 years ago


Thanks so much for your note of support of RIF. We very much appreciate it! Frank Walter, PR Director at RIF.

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