Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

Q&A for Highlander Trilogy

Highlander Unchained picYour response to Highlander Unchained & Forbidden Highlander has been fantastic. Thanks so much for letting me know how much you’re enjoying both books. There have been several questions about the trilogy, so I figured the best way to cover it all is through a Q&A. So I took the most predominate questions asked and answered them.

Q – I love the books but why did you make the first one a cliffhanger?

A – Cree and Dawn were complex characters and I didn’t want to rush their story. They didn’t want me to rush it either, I suppose, since it seemed to get more involved as I wrote it. Things popped up that I never expected to happen so the length of the book grew and I realized that the only way I could do their story justice was to give them two books.

Q – I want to read more about Cree & Dawn, will they be in the third book?

A – Yes, Cree and Dawn will be in the third book, though it will be more about Cree’s sister Wintra. Besides, there are a few more things I need to tie up for Cree and Dawn, like their wedding and the birth of their baby. Also there is something in Cree and his sister’s past that comes back to haunt them.

Q – I loved Torr, will he have his own book?

A – I have big plans for Torr, though I can’t tell you about them. But you definitely will be reading about him again.Forbidden Highlander pic2

Q — Dawn is a great heroine. You feel for her not being able to speak and admire her courage and perseverance. However did you come up with the idea for a mute heroine?

A – Dawn popped into my head one night, actually the whole first chapter did. I could see her standing there among the crowd of villagers waiting to get a look at the infamous Cree and at first I didn’t realize that she couldn’t speak. I was waiting for her to say something. I was surprised myself when I discovered that she was mute. I thought, wow, how am I going to handle this one? It was a challenge I thoroughly enjoyed. Plus as I’ve said since first talking about this trilogy, their story has long haunted me. I wasn’t able to get to it as fast as I would have liked to and the two characters were forever popping into my head and the more I learned about them, the more eager I was to write their story.


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P Norman
P Norman
12 years ago

I need book 3!!!! When please?

12 years ago

I’ve gotten hooked on your Dawn and Cree story, like a good movie, I couldn’t look away… when can I expect to read about Wintra and finishing the story of Cree and Dawn? Am eager to get started reading… on my kindle from

12 years ago

Anyword yet on the release date yet for book 3 anxiously waiting

11 years ago

I would like to know when it is comming out in REGULAR book form?? I don’t have a kindle or anything like that & I still like reading the old fashion way.

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