Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

My Winter Solstice Blessing


May the dawn of the Winter Solstice chase the dark away.
May it bring to you the promise of endless brand new days.
May all your sorrow vanish.
And all your dreams come true.
And may the light of the Winter Solstice always shine on you.

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8 years ago


Mrs Tahira daya
Mrs Tahira daya
8 years ago

Hi I would really love to read your book The King & The Queen and The king’s Executioner and can you please please send me this 2 books to me and can you please let me know because I live in England and we don’t have your books in my library ( Manningham library at Bradford ) they say they can’t get your books because they are in USA so can’t get it. Please can you do something so I can read your books which I love so much because some people can’t buy them so can you please let me know by Email
I really wish your answer is YES that you can send them
Thank You and Bye

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