Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

Just to let you know...

The short story page may be empty but not for long. The files for that page were corrupted and we’re working to get them in shape and back on the website. Many of you wrote asking about the short story page so I wanted you all to know that my old short stories will be returning. And I will be adding new ones.

And for those who didn’t catch my post about my E-mail Alert… if you want to be alerted when one of my books become available for sale whether print or e-book then sign up for my E-mail Alert. All you need to do is send me an e-mail at with e-mail alert in the message box and you’re all set or you can leave e-mail alert in the comment box for this post and that will work as well.

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Debby Jones
Debby Jones
12 years ago

Is this your regular web site? Where is the older book list and date came out? Maybe I am missing it.

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