Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

Having a sale & a freebie!

To Love A Highlander by Donna Fletcher

To Love A Highlander on sale for $0.99

Book one, Highland Warriors Trilogy

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Untamed Fire by Donna Fletcher

Untamed Fire on sale for $0.99

Book one, Ranchero Trilogy

Kindle   Nook   Apple Books   Kobo


DonnaFletcher HighlandersShortStoryCollection 200

Highlanders Short Story Collection (Volume One) Free!

A bunch  of short stories with some of your favorite characters.

Go here to get the free ebook.

Grab them while you can!

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4 years ago

Thanks Donna Stay Safe and keep writing.

4 years ago

Thanks Donna, Be Safe and Keep Writing. I love your stories. My Favorate is The Irish Devil.

Katherine Rule
Katherine Rule
4 years ago

Thank you for your letter of concern and well being. Through the years I have purchased all your books, that are available through Amazon. Now that this crisis has my son and myself house bound. I am spending my free time by finally enjoying the collection I own. Hope you and your family are doing well and keeping safe.

4 years ago

Thank you for your letter too. I am in Spain and house bound too so I am reading and re-reading your books! Here things are pretty serious but we will fight this virus together and it will be defeated!

Kary-Anne Beddoe
Kary-Anne Beddoe
4 years ago

Keep safe with your family from my family here in Trinidad and Tobago?

4 years ago

Thank you Donna! I miss Cree and Dawn. Will they have a new book this year?

carla higgins
carla higgins
4 years ago

Thank you!!!

Laura Higgs
Laura Higgs
4 years ago

Thank you Donna!! I hope you stay healthy. Trying to do the same here. Praying for our nation and the world. Peace and love people.

Susan Marx
Susan Marx
4 years ago

Thanks Donna! Love your books. It’s nice being able to be home. I can read Donna Fletcher books and not be interrupted.

4 years ago

So I’m in California and things have gone crazy fast. The grocery stores are selling out of everything fast.the other day there was no meat, milk, eggs, and no frozen veg almost wiped out canned food. I don’t know how things are there but I pray for you and your family. Thank you for being an amazing writer going to be rereading everything you have written for the millionth time lol.All of you stay safe God bless

Shirley Adams
Shirley Adams
4 years ago

Thank you Donna. I will be hunkering down too with some of my favorite writers. I love your books. Stay safe and healthy.

4 years ago

I am so happy to finally get one of your books in audio 🙂 It makes garden work more fun! Stay well!

4 years ago

I had planed a month trip to England to go to some of the places you have mentioned in your books, but will waitnow. I felt at times I was their in your writings .
Tube safe also


Nancy Nesselroad
Nancy Nesselroad
4 years ago

Hi Donna, Thank you so much for the books. I own every one of these, and I have read and re-read them, over and over. I love your books. With your stories, I find them, so enthralling. The story lines, keep me reading, and it’s because I can’t wait to see what happens next. Love you, pease keep your stories coming!!!

4 years ago

Hi Donna, Anita from California again things are getting so crazy but today I wanted to see how you and your family are doing I hear there is a lot more cases in New Jersey know. So very frightening I keep thinking it’s just a terrible dream but than I wake up. Well I hope you are staying safe praying for all of us

Where to Buy Donna's Books

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Donna’s books are also available at Books-A-Million.

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