Time to celebrate the upcoming release of
Highlander The Demon Lord due out at the end of May.
Giveaway Time!
In celebration of the soon-to-be released Highlander The Demon Lord, I’m giving away the following:
1st place $100.00 Amazon gift card & an e-copy of Highlander The Demon Lord
2nd place $50.00 Amazon gift card & an e-copy of Highlander The Demon Lord
3rd place $25.00 gift card & an e-copy of Highlander The Demon Lord
To enter to win leave a comment telling me what got you started reading romance books and what was the first romance book you read.
If you win, you give me permission to post your name ONLY in the winners’ blog post. Winners will be notified before the book is released.
Look for a sneak peek of chapter one of Highlander The Demon Lord available soon!

I started reading romance when i was 16 years old. I believe the first romance book i read was short straw bride
The first book I ever read was by Penny Wylder. I can’t remember which one it was but ever since I can’t stop reading them lol!
i started reading romance books at 13 it was a Nora Roberts book not sure which one my mom had a lot of them!
thanks for the chance
I love Nora Roberts books.
I was given a copy of Valerie Sherwood’s This Loving Torment….and I was hooked……I was 14. I have been reading romance a long time….Never been embarrassed by it either…..Not worried to read a romance book in doctor’s office waiting room…..never have been. Now, I read a lot of mm romance and feel the same way…..if others don’t like it…..well, they don’t have to read it…..LOL!
Thanks for the contest!
I had always been a reader growing up . A few good books and mostly textbooks until I was in college.
Every girl in the dorm was reading this one book and it was so tattered going from one reader to the next. I finally got my hands on it and it was by Kathleen Woodiwiss called SHANNA.
From then on I became a reader of paperback romance books. My favorite authors then were Bertrice Small, LaVeryl Spencer and Rosemary Rogers.
Loved them all
OMG I stated reading romance novels back in the 1960s . I was probably 15 or 16 ! I really don’t remember my first book there were so many lol .
I read anything I could get my hands on when I was growing up. When I reached my teen years, a cousin gave me a romance novel. I couldn’t tell you the name – that was 45 years ago! Anyway, I added romance novels to the genre I read and have read quite a few over the years.
My first romance novel was found in my catholic junior high school basement. I don’t know why it was there but I found it, read it and there was no turning back. I can’t remember much about it other than it was an anthology of romantic suspense , the cover was blue and there was skiing.
As a teenager I started reading the true stories in my mom’s magazines like True Confessions, True Story.
I started reading Harlequin romance books when I was about ten. I can’t remember the first one I read but I do remember the first romance author I read when I was thirteen: Jude Deveraux. She’s still my favorite historical romance author.
I started reading historical romance because, everyone wants a love like that, I have been married to the same man for nearly 49 years, so I have found that love. As for the first book I read, I really can’t remember, I’m in my sixties, but I know that it got me hooked! Praise the Lord for all of you authors, without you, dreaming would not be the same. Thank you!
I started reading romance books as a teenager; I think it was an old Nora Roberts paperback that was the first one. I don’t remember it being a cliche romance, but what kept me interested was it’s storyline. It was a oneshot, and it had a satisfying conclusion. I remember thinking, “Okay, I could read more like this” and broadened my reading list. Unfortunately the next book I picked up from a different author had me hooked until I hit the surprise cliffhanger – I was so gutted, but I stubbornly kept reading. 😉
The cover caught my attention, the blurb on the back kept my attention. The book was Silken Savage by Catherine Hart. And the year was 1985. I was 17. I still have that book. 🙂 I haven’t stopped reading yet.
What got me started reading romance book in the first place weren’t reading any book at all. It all started me just browsing the internet when I stumble an e-book, with an interesting summary about a Scottish highlander. Now who would want to miss that? Am I right. So in short as I was reading along i got pull in to the story and when the story ended U wanted more. That’s when I start reading the author’s work and from then I started reading other authors relating to scottish highlander romance. Then I venture to other romance from alien to shifter as long as it’s romance.
My mom loves to read and that’s how I got started. She was into to the hariliquinn book at the time. I could name the first romance book title due to the face it was back in the 70’s..
I first read a romance book when I was post surgery. Ice nmbeen hoiked ecer since. Ny first books were karen mornings highlander series
I simply love all your books!
I bought and read The Flame and the Flower by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss and was hooked.
My goodness! I started reading before even my teenage years. I honestly can’t remember the very first book. I am blind and read just about every braille book I could get my hands on, and there weren’t too many. I also read in Arabic, and the books that really stood out in my memory were books I have not been able to find anywhere. They were books written by an author called Michel Zevaco. It took me many years to figure out the English spelling. I generally don’t read older books; he lived, I think from 1860-1918. For some reason, I tend to read more recent books. However, Michel’s books were absolutely enthralling. I wish they were translated into English; I would reread them. I wonder if I would love them now as I did then. I read them probably 30-35 years ago. Honestly, I probably started reading romance books before the age of twelve. I suppose parents monitor their kids closely, but no one could really read the books I had, so I got away with it.
I’m 54, no freaking idea what the first book was that I read, prob some YA book (I’d guess S.E. Hinton) I read a lot of harlequin back in the day as those were very easy to buy. Really liked the Gothic mystery ones. I read as a child (I recall getting a bunch of books while sick in HudsonBay and I was in grade one at the time)
I started reading christian romance novels when I was 22. I think the first one that I read was rainbow cottage. I started reading Highlander Romances about 4 years ago and I am hooked!! I love your books Donna and can’t wait for The demon lord!!!
Another book by doona Fletcher can’t wait for it to come out so I can buy it or get it on ebook I love to read her books.
I enjoy reading almost any book so nothing really got me reading romance I just stumbled upon it and enjoy it.
It was a nice mental getaway when there was nothing on tv. I could visualize the story in my head. My first book that made a big impession on me was My Name Is Clary Brown by Charlotte Keppel. Got me started on reading.
I was on vacation and the bedroom in my parents’ home had lots of romance books, mostly Harlequin that I could easily ignore. But the top of the dresser had some historical romance and since I love history, I looked through them. When I recognized Fabio on the cover of Johanna Lindsey’s “Defy Not the Heart,” I read the back cover and then the book. I enjoyed it so much and since I’m the person who threw a copy of “Gone with the Wind” across the room because of the unsatisfying ending, I knew I had found my genre (well, that and cozy mysteries that also have a guaranteed happy ending, except for the murder victim). Although I read just about every type of romance novel, historical is still my favorite.
I started reading romance when I was 29. The first book I read was from Hannah Howell.
I was looking for something to do cause I needed an escape.
I was always a passionate reader, even with a light under a blanket like a child. But my first romances was from Victoria Holt.
Wow so LONG ago! I was raised by my aunt, she read what she called “bodice rippers!” Sounded very forbidden when I was 15, so I would sneak them in my room and read! I fell in love with romance! 40 years later, I still love romance novels! My thanks to her in all she did for me, and for introducing me to my first love!
I have been reading romance books for 40 years. I bought a copy of The Wolf and the Dove by Kathleen Woodiwiss, I loved it. I still have most of her books in my bookcase. My love for books has just kept growing.
I’ve always loved reading and would choose it over tv any day . I started reading romance when I was a teen , first books were Cassie Edwards .
I started reading romance when I was 14, I love anything from historical to contemporary.. i can get lost in whatever I’m reading and fall in love with the hero. I love all your books and I’m still waiting very patiently for your 3rd book in the ranchero trilogy to come out!!
Continue writing your fabulous books, much love to you, Cindy
I was about 17 and my neighbor loaned me Sweet Savage Love by Rosemary Rogers. Needless to say I jave been hooked since!
I started reading when I was 8 (Nancy Drew was my absolute favorite) then romance novels about 14-15 years old but back then, most were a lot less racy! I love them all and all the different authors and stories. Thank you.
I can not wait for this new book. I always read romance books. Started with paperback books. I still have some.
My Aunt loved to read romance books and I would always see her reading so I borrowed one of her books and have been hooked ever since. My first romance book was Captive Bride by Johanna Lindsey
I was 17 years old, and someone gave me a copy of The Flame and the Flower by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss . I have been hooked ever since.
I was 13 when I started reading romance books. Although I don’t remember the name of the book, it was a pirate romance.
I wasn’t much of a reader as I failed grade 2 because I hated read. Lol now I’m a librarian. I first started enjoying reading when I was 16 I read so teen romance. But stopped read novels until I was 34 after my last child and had more time on my hands. I believe I read Hannah Howell highlander series. And now I just can’t find enough time to read. Lol
I love happy endings, which you always find in romances. The Dream on the Hill was my first romance read.
I had major eye problems for almost 35 years. When my eyes stabilized and I started to read heavily to catch up. I had a part-time job at a library and found book after book I wanted to read. I still haven’t stopped. They were romances and a couple other genres.
I started reading Harlequin’s when I was around 11 (63 now!), so many years of reading romance. The first book that made a big impact was The Wolf and the Dove by Kathleen Woodiwiss – I was studying for finals in college and instead stayed up all night reading that book (I got an A anyway – lol). Have never stopped since!
I started reading romance novels about 10 years ago because, frankly, I have a job where I need to think a lot about complex problems and romance novels are an escape from that. The very first romance book I read was Ransom by Julie Garwood.
I started reading romance in my late teens. My aunt thought I should be reading stories with happy endings since I was so sad all the time. It was help me lighte. Up my mood when I feel down!
I really love romance books and I think the first book I read which had romance was Lord of the rings (between Aragon and Arwen) that was like 18 years ago (when I was 10)
My first historical romance was Splendor in the Grass by Laura McBain and I was hooked, that was in 1984. I am a hopeless romantic who loves history.
I started reading romance books when I was 12 years old. Our neighbors had a collection of Barbara Cartland books that they were willing to loan out. I borrowed the book, The Duke in Danger, and I was hooked! I read all the books they had in their possession, then moved on to Harlequins, Harlequin Historicals, Regency Romance, and whatever else I could find. I’ve been an avid romance reader ever since!
I always love reading, but was always so scared of being caught with a very intimate/sexy cover so I refrained from reading it for quite a long time. After college, I picked up my first romance Wicked Intentions by Elizabeth Hoyt and since then I’ve read over hundreds of titles (including yours). I can’t believe I stayed away for so long! Now, I embraced the love for sexy shirtless men!
First book once a princess. Love your books
My neighbor gave me her book to read and it was The Flame and The Flower by Kathleen Woodiwiss .
I started reading romance in the late 50’s, Angelique books by Sergeanne Golon. I read every day