Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

Falling in Love!

BookBrushImage 2024 8 21 11 4357Falling in love is a constant thought on my mind since I write romance. Each of my characters fall in love in their own unique way which got me thinking that love is unique. It cannot be defined or understood since it is so fluid, moving from one emotion to the next sometimes in a matter of hours, days, months, or years.

I daresay, though, that there is one constant when it comes to falling in love… it comes when you least expect it. Sometimes, it’s like a bolt of lightning striking, other times it’s a spark that eventually flares, and then sometimes love simply creeps up on you and you wonder how you failed to see it.

Love’s uniqueness—to me—is what makes it so magical. But why doesn’t that magical love always last. What makes some love endure a lifetime and other love fall to the wayside? It is a timeless question that has yet to find a simple answer. Some would say it wasn’t true love to begin with while others may argue that it was too one-sided. Still others may say that the magic of love faded until it was completely lost.

Some people shy away from falling in love after losing a relationship while others dive right back in. If you have ever been hurt by love, through loss or breakup, you know how difficult it can be to try again. Painful memories can make the heart too fearful to love again, not to forget trust issues that one may have suffered.

So, love is not only unique and magical, but also complicated and confusing and yet who doesn’t want to fall in love? And once you do, what then?

Falling in love is the easy part. Coping with love, accepting that love, and allowing it to take root and flourish takes work, patience, partnership, trust, laughter, belief and faith in each other, and a heavy dose of romance to keep the spark glowing that started it all.

My characters face many pitfalls that test the strength of their love, and they always come out stronger for it. If only everyone could live their love life that happily ever after.

May the magic of love always fill your life!



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