Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

Dealing with heroes...

I love my heroes, but dealing with more than one at a time is challenging. They all have ideas of how their stories should go and what they should be doing, but as the plot thickens, so to speak, it can’t always go their way and that’s when things get heated.

The hero in Diablo’s Angel really threw me for a loop. He did such an unexpected thing that he actually forced me to stop writing his story and rethink his character completely. He is not happy about it and neither am I, but I had no choice. It has given me more insight to him, but it changes the plot and that causes problems.

Warrick, from Highlander the Demon Lord, is a demanding one and I was wondering if he had any redeeming qualities, then he went and did something I didn’t expect and it warmed my heart and had my fingers flying across the keyboard. He has me rushing to the keyboard in the morning and sometimes at night to find out more about him.

Then there is Cree. That man’s love for his wife Dawn knows no bounds. I can honestly say that for a short time I think he hated me for what I did to him in My Highlander A Cree & Dawn Novel, releasing in the fall. But he should know me better than to think I would ever separate them. It actually gave me an idea for a special Halloween novella about the pair to release this October. This one is different than all the others and I can’t wait for you to read it. More about it coming near the end of summer.

Of course, there is a whole bunch more heroes who make demands of me, Eric of Shanekill, better known as the Irish Devil, who is impatiently waiting for another book about him and his wife Faith to be written. And there’s some new heroes who are filling up my notebooks non-stop.

So dealing with heroes can be challenging, but oh so much fun!

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7 years ago

Sounds like you’re being pulled in all directions. Can’t wait to see where all the stories lead! I’ve been reading your stories since I picked up Faith and Eric’s story many years ago at a used bookstore, so it would be amazing to visit them again!

7 years ago

Keeps visiting your website for any updates for Cree and Dawn, and i’m so excited for their story.
I really love how you made Dawn and Hemera’s characters unique, they’re my favorite (so far).

6 years ago

After reading your blog I can’t wait for the release of your next book.

6 years ago

I am impatiently waiting for Diablos Angel. LOL I’ve reread the other two books in the series several times and can’t wait for the 3rd book! When think he’ll start cooperating and let you finish it?

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