Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

Cree & Dawn News & A Cree & Dawn Series Journal!

DonnaFletcher HighlandSecrets 200I’ve had the best time visiting with Cree & Dawn once again. I did not realize how much I missed the couple whose never-ending love never fails to surprise me. It was like visiting close friends you haven’t seen in ages, but once together again it seems that no time has lapsed since last seeing them.

Highland Secrets A Cree & Dawn Novel is in its last stages, editing finishing up, proofreaders next, then to the formatter. If everyone’s schedule holds I hope to have it available in about two weeks. I cannot wait for you to read it. The story also has me thinking of future Cree & Dawn stories with a twist or two I did not see coming. 

I filled a small journal while writing Cree & Dawn’s story. Notes, ideas, possibilities, what needed solving, and so forth. It got me thinking how important journals were to me. From to-do lists, to reading lists, shopping lists, notes to myself, reminders—definitely reminders—I need a journal, more like many journals. It planted an idea and that idea blossomed into the Cree & Dawn Series Journal. It’s a 100 page journal with quotes from four of the Cree & Dawn novels every few pages, along with some Celtic designs on the other pages where you can write lists to your heart’s content. Or keep track of Cree & Dawn’s books you’ve read or wish to read. I thought it a great way to continue the celebration of Cree & Dawn this month. Naturally, it is a print book so at the moment it is only available at Amazon. 

Coming soon… the release of Highland Secrets A Cree & Dawn Novel, Book 5.

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