Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

Cover Reveal for Desired By A Highlander

DonnaFletcher DesiredbyaHighlander eCover 200Here it is… the cover for book two (Willow & Slatter’s book) of

the Macardle Sisters of Courage Trilogy,

Desired By A Highlander.

Available in July!

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Joanne Sarmanian
Joanne Sarmanian
5 years ago

It gave me the good bumps!!
My Fantasy!!

JoAnn Watson
JoAnn Watson
5 years ago

AS always it captures my imagination. Love the cover!

5 years ago

Oh my! Having such a sexy guy leaning over me that way, gotta read this one!

Cathy Henderson
Cathy Henderson
5 years ago

You always open your books with nail biting beginnings! Can’t wait for this one!,,,

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