Continuing adventures of a romance writer… I love autumn especially the colorful leaves. Of course those leaves need raking and so I tackled the job the other day. My mind was just as busy as my hands and by the time I got a big pile of leaves together I had a thought for a scene in The King & His Queen. I pictured Hemera lying in a bunch of
leaves in the woods, staring up at the sky.
I wondered how the ground would feel beneath her. Would the cold seep through to chill her and what could she possibly be thinking? I put my rake aside and dropped down to lay prone in the leaves, staring up at the sky as Hemera would do.
Next thing I knew King Talon was standing over her, demanding to know what she was doing. He called her name again and again since she hadn’t answered him. That was then I realized it wasn’t Hemera’s name I heard but my own.
It was my neighbor yelling out my name between OMG. Donna! OMG! Donna! OMG! He dropped down beside me, insisting I would be fine, he was calling an ambulance.
It was my turn to yell OMG as I sat up and told him I was fine, just doing some research.
My son walked around from the side of the house and called out, laughing, “Hey, Bob, I don’t’ think your wife would like you playing in the leaves with my mom?”
“That’s it!” I yelled and jumped up and ran toward the front door, smiling.
I heard Bob say, “Research in a pile of leaves?”
“How many times do I have to remind you she’s a romance writer?” my son said as if that explained it all.
My research got me a great scene for the King & His Queen and let me tell you… King Talon is not going to like who he finds in the leaves with Hemera!