I’m thrilled to let you know that Pledged To A Highlander will be available late May or very early June. I can’t pinpoint it exactly yet, but I will soon. So keep a watch or if you subscribe to my newsletter you’ll be getting more frequent updates.
To celebrate the release I’m doing a Celebration Giveaway.
To take a chance to win a $50.00 Amazon gift card just leave a comment in the comment box telling me how long you’ve been a reader of romances. I’d love to hear how long you’ve been reading my romances, but it’s not a necessity to enter. It’s that simple. So take a chance!
I’ll be in touch with the winner before the book is released and announce the winner’s name here on this post.
Congrats to Roz for winning the $50 Amazon Gift card! She has already received it and I hope she has fun shopping! Posted June 4, 2020
Hope you are all staying safe and well.
Love and hugs!

Love your books! Can’t wait for the next one. I have been reading romance since I was 16 so 24 years!
I started reading romances in hig school over 40 Years. I just started reading your books a couple months ago and have read them all and reread several.
Love your books!
I have been reading romance for over 45 years.
I became interested in historical romances, especially Scottish romances, since I went to Scotland in 2005 and fell in love with the country. I am totally hooked on them and have enjoyed your stories for about the last 7-8 years. I tend to get hooked on a writer and just devour all their books. Please keep them coming.
I read Gone With the Wind when I was in my early teens so I’d say 50 years? I think I’ve reread GWTW about 20 times at least.
I have been reading them since middle school when I borrowed a a few from the big bookcase we had in our garage
Kathleen Woodiwiss& Cynthia Wright were just 2 of the authors in paperback on the shelves!!!
I have been reading them for about 26 years 🙂
I fell in love with romance novels at the age of 12 when my mom started bringing historical romance novels home and I was introduced to Kathleen E Woodiwiss. Her book Shanna was my first positive experience.
So excited for the new series! I read my first romance in 1996 The Bride In Blue by Miranda Lee. Started HS and my Romance Book collection at the same time.
I’ve been reading romance books about 30 years. I started by reading the small monthly Harlequin books my grandma had in the restroom. And since I was only 12, that’s the only place I could sneak and read them too.
I have been reading romance books since i was 18 and I a m now 35 and love reading !
I have been reading for many years now. Over the last seven more so do to family issues
It helps to escape them for a while and put you in a happy place. Now I am involved with
many arc groups and ready at least 6 books a week. it keeps me busy any feeling good and important. I do love your books.
I have been reading historical romances for the last 58 years.
Hi, I love your books, I have been reading romance novel since I was a sophomore In high school, and mind you I am 48 years old now and 2 years ago I discovered your series starting with Highland Warriors Trilogy. Ever since I love reading all your series.
I started reading romance books way too young; I was 13. But I loved to read so much, it was hard for my parents to get me to put any book down. I discovered your books when I was in high school, around 15, I believe. I am in my early 30s and have I devoured them all. Stay safe and please keep those amazing stories coming!!
can’t remember
I’ve been reading romance novels for 14 years. I discovered you in 2010 and have been hooked ever since.
I have been reading for 35 years. I don’t know how long I have been reading yours but I have read all of them
I’ve been romance books for the past 16 years. Once I started I haven’t stopped.
Well my first taste of historical romance was from my mom when I was 14. She was into Sandra Hill and she wouldn’t let me read them but she would read parts and tell me all about the Vikings. I read Hannah Howell when I was 16 and been hooked on Vikings and Highlanders. My obsession has grown to a 2691 book library. My family even jokes about my husband (6’4, 320 lbs) being my Highlander. I love my romance books and now my 14 year old daughter is starting to read them. Thank you for pulling me out of my daily life and making me feel like I am in the story. It has really saved me.
I’ve been reading romance novels since I was in my 20’s, I’m my 60’s now. I love your books
I have been reading romance novels for over 30yrs. I always read your books because I love your characters and I love the Highlanders. Can’t remember the first time but I don’t miss reading anything you write.
I started reading romance 35 years ago! Historical romance will always be my favorite!
I started reading romances in 1975. I THINK the first one was a Harlequin named “The Dream on the Hill” by Lillian Peake.
I have been reading romance, historical romance for at least 40 years!. It doesn’t seem like that long. I had to go way back and figure it out. All I know is I love them!
I have been reading romance novels for 62 years. I am a voracious reader. I started quite young, at 8 years old. My 1st was Jane Eyre. I have been reading your romance novels for 15 or so years.
Thanks for the chance to win! I’ve been reading romances since I was 10 thanks to mom and her love of Harlequin romances back in the day so 40 years now.
Being Dyslexic I never really enjoy reading very much. I was a young Navy wife in 1979 alone and in HI. I was at the NEX looking for stationary. Remember when we used to write letters. The book section was next to the area I was in and I stumbled on a book called Twice Loved by LaVyrle Spencer. Being a Navy wife and the book was about a wife who lost her husband at sea. I decided to give it a try. I’ve been hooked ever since. I have enjoyed all of your books immensely
I’ve been reading romances since before high school! I don’t know how long I’ve been reading your books or how many times I’ve re-read them ?
I use to read ,before, I lost my family in an accident, now I read all the time. Reading your books takes me away from my daily thoughts and places me in a different place. I use to read paperback books, I couldn’t get rid of them after reading, so I started saving them. I now have my own library. My friends saw my dilemma and for Christmas one year I received a amazon fire. Anyway,, I am always waiting for your new books! Stay safe and keep writing
A friend introduced me to romance books 35 years ago. Two of the first authors I read was Julie Garwood and Nora Roberts (The McGregor Series). I have read many romance books over the years, but my favorite are historical books and ones that are written about family and friends.
I have been reading romance book for about 20 years.love them
I have been reading romance books for a really long time, but have become so addicted to Historical Romance books and the authors who write them in the last 10 years or so. I enjoy your books so please continue.
Well you are the only author out there that I read continuously I have deslixa and had only a few books in my life time until I got a kindle which helps me understand what I’m reading and since than and starting with your books I’ve read hundreds in the last 8 years sometimes a book a day I love your books. I’m 62 years old and just learned how to enjoy a book
it must be at least 50 years (wow)! Remember reading those skinny Harlequins my Mom got from her sisters.
I read Gothic and historical romances as an teenager. In the late 70s and early 80s I started reading highlander and viking romances. I stopped reading for almost 30 years and then I started up again about 4 years ago. I discovered you about 2 years ago. I have read almost all of your books and some of them multiple times.
I started reading romance when we were stationed in Germany when I was 14. Victoria Holt, Mary Stewart, Phyllis Whitney, Emilie Loring, Barbara Cartland were a few I cut my teeth on. Not sure how long I’ve been reading your books but I think I may have read most of them, if not all. Cree and Dawn and the Pict series are some I enjoy most. Please keep on writing!
I have been reading romances, contemporary and historical since 1986. I picked up a book FORGIVING by LaVyrle Spencer at a pool while on vacation in Florida. I also started to receive Good Housekeeping which showcased romance novels by Nora Roberts and Lavyrle Spencer.
Hope you are doing well!
Been reading romance for 15 years. Been reading your books for the last 2 years. When I discovered your books, I fell in love with your style. I quickly and promptly bought up all your books and signed up for your newsletter. I especially love the Pict series, The King and His Queen.
I have been into reading romance novels for more the. 30 years. Younger I was not an avid reader. I found one romance novel read it with passion and don’t pick up another until 5 months later thinking nothing could top that book. Now when I started reading The Irish Devil oh my you fast became my favorite author. From there I have read all your books and can’t put any of them down. I get so excited when I see you have released a new book. At this time I am re reading Love Me Forever love love Royce and Brianna. Keep it up and thank you for introducing me the the Highlands. ?
Hi I have been reading romances now since I was 13 yo over 40 years now they take me into another world of what romance and true love can be like my favourite ones are historical romances.
I have been reading your books now for about 4-5 years I love the Scottish was the best. I think I read one of your books then went through all the rest many I have read over again more than once. It is hard to pick my favourite but I might have to go with Demon Lord must have read that 4 times already and will probably read it again in the next few weeks.
Thank u for these books by fav my favourite author.
I have been reading romance for 32 years (I started when I was 12!)
I’ve been reading historical romance for over 40 years!!
How long have I been reading romance novels? I can’t remember that far back. I cannot use ebooks,so if I should win, please give that to someone else.
I have been reading romance novels for 46 years. I was introduced to them in high school by a friend. Authors like Rosemary Rogers, Kathleen Woodweiss and Day Taylor are who got me addicted to romance novels, although I don’t recall any highlander stories back then. I have been reading your novels for 9 years and it was the Irish Devil that won my heart ❤ first.
I’ve been reading romance close to 50 years! I remember Victoria Holt and Phyllis Whitney all those years ago, probably as a preteen. I think I read my first Donna Fletcher book close to 10 years ago, but that’s an estimate – the older I get the worse the memory is! Thank you for the giveaway.
I started reading historical romances in 5th or 6th grade, in fact my mother had to authorize my use of the public library’s adult section. I started saving allowance money to buy paperbacks. So I guess 60 years.
This going to date me. Lol. I started reading romances with The Flame and The Flower more than 38 years ago. Wow time moves quickly.
I’ve been reading romance books for as long as I can remember. So over 40 years! I’ve been reading your books since I happened across one. Then went through your backlist. Many I’ve read more than once. Love your characters.
I have all your books, i have been reading romance since highschool so 38 years!!