Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

Any day now... The Highlander's Stolen Heart!

babbling  brook St. Kevin Monastic Site gelndalough Ireland 2013 Emma had come across a babbling stream, the tracks she had been following having taken her off a well-worn path. While her horse drank, she discarded her cloak and knelt beside the water and got a distorted glimpse of her reflection, which made her look even worse than she already did. Dried mud spotted her face here and there and her hair hung in strings over her shoulders. Her hands were a mixture of dried mud and scratches, and she wished she had remembered to use the salve in her satchel before leaving the stable. The mixture was her own concoction she had scented with lavender and it kept her hands in fine shape, not to mention soft and smelling nice. But she had forgotten about it and now she had no time to care for her hands, or for that matter herself. She looked affright, and she doubted that even a brief washing would change that.

She went to dip her hands in the water when she caught another reflection shimmering just behind hers. It towered over her and the breadth of it made it seem like it was about to devour her.



The Highlander’s Stolen Heart

Book 1 Macinnes Sisters Trilogy





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April Renee S
April Renee S
10 years ago

I cant wait to read this book. I have been haunting Amazon to see if it is up yet……..just knowing it is ready AND will be going live soon has me ready to be up all night 🙂

Can you give a hint as to how close this book will be going live?

10 years ago

Yes I have been looking everyday for this book too. Can we please get a hint can not wait for this book.

10 years ago

CAN’T WAIT FOR THE SECOND AND THIRD ONE!!! Who is the Ghost Warrior!!!:??? Argh!! I’m in suspense and ready for the other 2!! Loved this one!!

Karen Burkindine
Karen Burkindine
10 years ago

Just finished the lst book–need the second and third
books on the sisters. Do not have a Kindle or Nook, will paperback copies be available? Happy holidays and keep writing–love, love, love your books.

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